"Rajan" is the Sanskrit word for "The King." Mostly Hindu and Buddhist people keep this name. They are found all over Nepal, India, Malaysia and in other countries as well. A lot of South Indians also have Rajan as their last name.

"Shabnam" is an Urdu/Persian word for "The Morning Dew." Mostly Muslim women have this name and sometimes found among Hindu and Buddhist women. Turkish females also have SEBNEM as their first name.

"Rajat" is the Sanskrit word meaning "Silver" or "Brightness." It is widely used in the context of "Rajat Padak" which means "Silver Medal" during award ceremonies. Rajat is mostly popular in Nepal and India.

"Rayhan" is a Persian word meaning "Sweet Fragrance" or a type of "Basil Herb/Flower." This name is primarily used in Arabic countries and by Muslims. "Rehan" is another variation of this name.
Alejandro Jaramillo (https://epod.usra.edu/blog/2013/05/red-rose-and-morning-dew.html)
Maryam Sinaiee (https://www.thepersianfusion.com/persian-basil-demystified/)